Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chapter 4 & 5

Chapter 4 was ok, it kinda of got boring with him talking about that girl and i really didnt want to read chapter 5 after that...but i did and i felt so much sympathy for him; his brother died and he really missed him. it was so sad and I wanted to read on but I didnt...I would go crazy if I lost my brother or sister, I mean they make me mad sometimes but I love them so much I cant even try to picture my life without them...I also love how he wrote about his brother's mitt and I thought it was cute that his brother wrote poems on it.

-Dzeneta J.


  1. Dzeneta,
    I guess you could say that you didn't SYMPATHIZE or EMPATHIZE with Holden in chapter 4 which is understandable. Its pretty common for a female reader to have trouble connecting to a male narrator or vice versa when they start to discuss dating or relationships. Another thing I want to comment on is your reaction to Holden in chapter 5. Now that you know a little bit about Holden's past, has that changed how you think about the way he treats people?

  2. Dzeneta,
    I totally agree with you in that if I lost my sister I couldn't live. She makes me so mad sometimes but if I need something she's always there for me!

  3. It reallly does suck Dzeneta to lose a close loved one. I was really able to connect to Holden well but you are very lucky not to lose someone as close as a brother, sister, mom or even a dad. I had lost my dad which was very hard for me!

  4. i think that you had a very interesting view because i feel the same way about holden i feel very sorry for him and i hope with time allies death will help him continue on in life
